What's Become of the Bettys?

Here is a description of the Betty Board tapes that were (or will be) treed in the What's Become Of The Bettys? tape tree project by the Unindicted Co-Conspirators: Jace Crouch, Ernie Kelley, Tim Deibert, Rob Battaly, Rick Rodrigues, Eliot Gelwan, Bob Loewenthal, Debbie Collmer, Thayer Jennings, John Dodsworth, Steve Nichols, Mark Schaeffer, and Jeff Tiedrich. Jace's DAT source tapes came from one of the participants in the original Betty Board project, a decent fellow from the west coast who wishes to remain anonymous. A detailed description of the pedigree of each tape is included for those who care about such things. The DAT copies distributed by Ernie Kelley and Jeff Tiedrich (and their branches) were direct clones of Jace's tapes, which were vined through several people on the east coast and the midwest in the years 1996 through 1999. Vining these DAT tapes took quite a bit of time, and at least one source tape was destroyed in the process, but this vining allowed all of Ernie and Jeff's branches to have clones of Jace's source tapes. The WBOTB CD project started up in 1999, so you should keep a look out for WBOTB CD tree offers on r.m.gd and elsewhere.

All of the WBOTB folks offer our heartfelt thanks to the anonymous source for these splendid tapes. Well done guy!

The Tapes: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980
